In between the led cube and the robot head projects, I spent an afternoon modifying my robot hand.
I decided to replace the Arduino Mega with an Arduino Nano. I did this because I wanted the Mega freed up for use with the robot head and also a Nano is pretty cheap (only AUD$15 on ebay).
Along with this Arduino swap over, I flipped the middle finger servo. Before I was facing in the opposite direction to the others. This made programming the hand a bit annoying because I always had to reverse the position when telling it where to go. So now it's a lot easier to program and make changes.
The last modification I made was adding an extra switch, which I called 'Auto/Manual'. I haven't got the programming prefect yet. What I want to happen is when you turn it to auto the hand will do random small movements and when it is set to manual, you can use it like normal with the buttons, etc. Right now all I have programmed is the hand opens and closes repeatedly a bit slower than usual.
Here's the circuit for the complete robot hand.
I also had to update the code a bit so here's a link for the file, if you are interested. The file format is ".ino" ,so you will need the latest version of the Arduino software to view or edit it:
So, until I come up with a way to modify it further, this should be it for the hand related posts.
More on the head or led cube soon!
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